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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hybrid Jubilee Macaw

The Jubilee Macaws are a cross between a hybrid Harlequin Macaw and a Green-winged Macaw. With the Harlequin Macaw you have a macaw that is colorful and good natured. Crossing the Harlequin Macaw with the Green-winged Macaw can make for an even more affectionate, energetic, and attractive bird. Hybrid macaws are bred for color. The Jubilee Macaws are second generation hybrid macaws. Because they are a mixture of more than one type of macaw, the offspring are influenced by the traits and characteristics of both of its parents. Father's have the dominant gene, so this will generally influence the offspring's color and overall appearance. The Jubilee Macaw inherits its coloring from these two parents, and is strongly influenced by the double dose of Greenwing. The behavior and temperament of hybrid macaws are more unpredictable and uncertain than the coloration.  Jubilee Macaws can all be good "talkers" as are the parents. If handled by a variety of people and by both sexes when young, they will tend to be friendly to others rather than to just one person or one gender. However with every macaw, as with people, will have their own personality. But they can be a very affectionate, and fun pet that is beautiful. When keeping a Jubilee Macaw a roomy cage is required unless the bird is to be let out for long periods. Many birds can spend most of their time on a play pen or parrot perch. They eat a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, commercial pellets, as well as the same nutritional foods humans eat.

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