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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hybrid Flame Macaw

Flame Macaw, 2nd Generation Hybrid Macaw
Hybrid macaws are bred for color, and the Flame Macaw is definitely a very colorful bird. This macaw is a second generation hybrid macaw. One of its parents, the Green-winged Macaw, is a species of naturally occurring macaws while the other, the Catalina Macaw, is also a hybrid macaw. This second generation hybrid macaw was developed from these other birds being bred. The beginnings of the Flame Macaw start with the Catalina Macaw which has two very popular types of macaws as its parents. The Scarlet Macaw, one of the most highly favored, is described as "beautiful and striking". The Scarlet has been the best known South American parrot for over 100 years. The other parent, the Blue and Gold Macaw, has been one of the most popular pet birds in the trade. The Flame Macaw inherits all these other macaws beautiful coloring and a complex personality. Because hybrid macaws are a mixture of more than one type of macaw, the offspring are influenced by the traits and characteristics of both of its parents. Father's have the dominant gene, so this will generally influence the offspring's coloration and overall appearance. However the behavior and attitude are more unpredictable. The parents of the Flame Macaw is an interesting mix for a pet bird. This is a hybrid parrot that is very attractive with the intelligence and attitude of it parents. It should be quite trainable, learn to talk and do tricks, and have an calm nature. But the fiery Scarlet may also introduce a bit of an wild side. As with all macaws, the Flame Macaw will require good socialization and a firm consistent hand in training to keep this Macaw on your good side.

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