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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Hyacinth Macaw

Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus
The hyacinth macaw is a very large bird, visually it appears to be the largest parrot in the world. But that is not quite so. The body of the Hyacinth reaches about 37"  in length and it has an wingspan up to about 42" across, which is the most expansive parrot in the world. But the Hyacinth isnt that heavy at all, it only weighs up to about 3.7 lb. The Hyacinth is pretty much an all blue large Macaw. The blue of its coloring is what influenced its name. It is a calm Macaw and known to make an excellent pet. Hyacinth Macaws have a very normal personality. They are sweet, extremely gentle, and dont make alot of noise. They are affectionate and playful, and become quite attached to their human families. This pet Macaw may possibly pick out one person for special affection, but Hyacinth Macaws are more a part of the entire family and are good with children. If they are socialized at a young age, these Macaws are also glad to meet and play with new humans. The Hyacinth is prone to playing jokes. Jokes can include jumping on you or your company's head from a distance. With its size, this is pretty funny. A good joke is laying on its back with its feet straight up playing dead. They will frequently stare down at you from the ceiling fan or break out of their cage. They don't destroy the cage but just take the lock off. Hyacinth Macaws do speak although their ability for this is limited. Hyacinths have been on the Endangered Species list since 1988, due to habitat destruction and over-collection. It is estimated that their numbers have been reduced to between 2,000 – 5,000 in the wild. There are conservation efforts for the Hyacinth Macaw and they are also being bred within the United States and other countries.
Hyacinth Macaw, Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, Blue Hyacinth Macaw

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