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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Chestnut-Fronted Macaw

Chestnut-Fronted Macaw-Ara severus

The Chestnut-fronted or Severe Macaw is one of the largest of the Mini-Macaws. It reaches a size of around 18 in of which around half is the length of the tail. They can be found over a large part of Northern South America from Panama south into Amazonian Brazil and northern Bolivia. Their lifespan is listed as anything from 30 to 80 years of age. The Chestnut-fronted or Severe Macaw is mostly green in color with patches of red and blue on the wings. The head has a Chestnut brown patch just above the beak. The beak is black and the patches around the eyes are white with lines of small black feathers. It is the only one of the miniature macaws that has lines of feathers in the bare patches around its eyes. In the wild their typically wild crazy personality can become even more aggressive at puberty giving them the name Severe. It is 18-20 in long and weighs 300-410 grams. The Chestnut-fronted Macaw nest in a hole in a tree. The eggs are white and there are usually two or three in a family. The female lays and takes care of the eggs for about 28 days, and the chicks leave from the nest about 70 days after hatching.

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