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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Golden-collared Macaw

Golden-collared Macaw or Yellow-collared Macaw-Primolius auricollis

It has a total length of about 15 in, of which almost half is tail feathers. The general body is green, with a yellow collar that is widest on the back of the neck. The yellow collar develops as the bird ages, with more colors found in mature birds. The front and crown is brownish black. The wing insides are blue and the long, pointed tail has a red base, a narrow green center and a blue tip. The underside of the tail and flight feathers are greenish-yellow, similar to that of several other small macaws such as the Blue-winged and Red-bellied Macaw. The legs are a pinkish color, and the iris is redd to yellow. It has white skin and the heavy bill is black, often tipped pale grey. The main population occurs in the Pantanal of Brazil, northern Argentina, far northern Paraguay and most of northern and eastern Bolivia. A second population occurs in far north-eastern Mato Grosso, south-eastern Para and western Tocantins in Brazil. The Golden-collared Macaw nest in a hole in a tree. The eggs are white and there are usually two or three in a family. The female guards and takes care of the eggs for about 26 days, and the chicks leave from the nest about 70 days after hatching.

The Chestnut-Fronted Macaw

Chestnut-Fronted Macaw-Ara severus

The Chestnut-fronted or Severe Macaw is one of the largest of the Mini-Macaws. It reaches a size of around 18 in of which around half is the length of the tail. They can be found over a large part of Northern South America from Panama south into Amazonian Brazil and northern Bolivia. Their lifespan is listed as anything from 30 to 80 years of age. The Chestnut-fronted or Severe Macaw is mostly green in color with patches of red and blue on the wings. The head has a Chestnut brown patch just above the beak. The beak is black and the patches around the eyes are white with lines of small black feathers. It is the only one of the miniature macaws that has lines of feathers in the bare patches around its eyes. In the wild their typically wild crazy personality can become even more aggressive at puberty giving them the name Severe. It is 18-20 in long and weighs 300-410 grams. The Chestnut-fronted Macaw nest in a hole in a tree. The eggs are white and there are usually two or three in a family. The female lays and takes care of the eggs for about 28 days, and the chicks leave from the nest about 70 days after hatching.

The Lears Macaw

The Lear's Macaw-Anodorhynchus leari

The Lear's Macaw is 28–30 in. long. The body, tail, and wings are dark blue and the head is a slightly paler shade. It has an area of bare pale-yellow skin next to the base of its beak, and orange and yellow eyerings. It has a large black beak and dark grey feet. The general appearance of the Lear's Macaw is similar to the larger Hyacinth macaw and the smaller Glaucous Macaw. The Lear's Macaw, also known as the Indigo Macaw, is a rare Brazilian parrot with a highly restricted range. It is blue with a barely visible tint of green, and a yellow patch of skin at the base of the black bill. It weighs around 2 pounds and is 30 inches long. It was named after the artist, Edward Lear, who published many drawings and paintings of live parrots in zoos. One of his paintings in his book strongly resemble this species, although at the time it was believed to be a Hyacinth Macawa it turned out he had been drawing this new species the whole time and many scientists used his drawings and works of art for their studying and research when the go to the wild and look for it.

Blue Headed and Blue Winged Macaws

Blue Winged Macaw-Ara maracana

Picture of "Shilo", an Illiger's Macaw or Blue-winged Macaw

The Illiger's Macaw is a small macaw with a bright green. Its lower side is blue and there are greenish-blues on the the head, nape, and cheeks. The facial area is yellow with feather lines. There is a red spot on the forehead, lower back, and on the stomach. The wings have blue feathers and the undersides are green. The tail is red, brown and blue. Females are usually paler than males. The eye is orange-brown, the beak is black, and the legs are yellow. The Blue-winged Macaw makes for a good pet because of its small size and high intelligence. However they are lively wild birds and so will require a large living space. This very active, entertaining, and amusing macaw will observe and chew everything in sight. Young hand-raised Macaws make wonderful pets. They are very adaptable and easy to take care of. A friendly little bird that is handleable by many people. But they must be socialized and exposed to a variety of experiences at a young age and will require regular interaction. While they make good pets they are also great flyers. This macaw is very active and needs room to stretch its wings. A flight area is very important for these birds and they will prove to be good flyers. They are also very social and being kept with a companion will help avoid depression and loneliness.

Blue Headed Macaw-Primolius Couloni

The Blue-headed Macaw is 16 in long. It is mainly green with the head, flight feathers and primary coverts blue. The uppertail has a green center and a blue tip. The undertail and underwing are green and yellow similar to that of several other small macaws The bill is pale greyish-horn with a black base. The iris is whitish with a narrow, often barely visible, maroon eye-ring. Unlike most other macaws, the facial skin and lores are dark greyish. The legs are dull pinkish. Little is known about its reproductive behavior in the wild, but a possible nest has been recorded in a bamboo cavity and another in a tree cavity. In captivity, the reproductive cycle appears to be roughly annual with a baby amount size of 2-4 being normal. In the wild it is typically seen in groups of 2-4 birds, with occasional records of groups up to 60 birds. Its call is higher-pitched and softer than that of most other macaws.

The Red Fronted/Bellied/Shouldered Macaws

       Red Fronted Macaw                              Red Bellied Macaw
         Ara rubrogenys                                  Orthopsittaca manilata             


        Red Shouldered Macaw
             Diopsittaca nobilis

The Red-fronted Macaw, also called the Red-cheeked Macaw, is a lesser known macaw. This pretty little parrot is very friendly and one of the kindest of the Macaw species. Although it was first described way back in 1847, it didn't really come to the attention of scientists until a specimen was caught in 1973. The most likely reason it didn't become common is because it's only found in one place, the small valley in Bolivia.
This is the smallest of the large Macaws. It could almost be classed as a mini Macaw as it only reaches 24" in total length. Mini Macaws can reach up to to about 22" in length, and the Red Front Macaw is just shy of that. Besides its small stature, another characteristic it has in common with the mini macaws is that its not as colored as the other large Macaws. The Red-fronted Macaw is mostly a green parrot, but with some red up front. The forehead, crown, and a patch just behind the eye are a bright red, as well as the bend of the wing. Which gives its common names Red-fronted and Red-cheeked Macaw. There are also some blue on its wings and on the tip of its tail.

The Red-bellied Macaw a mainly green medium-sized macaw about 300 grams in weight and about 18in in length including its long pointed tail. Male and female have similar external appearances, and the adults have dark-grey beaks. The cere and much of the face are covered with bare yellow skin, and the irises are dark brown. The forehead is bluish. The chin, throat and upper chest are greyish with some green, and the lower stomach is brownish-red. The underwings and undertail are yellow. The legs are dark grey. Red-bellied Macaws make reedy, high-pitched screams. They eat the fruit and seeds of palm trees. They always eat and take food back with them in these palms, and large numbers can be seen at the food sites at dawn and dusk.

The Red Shouldered Macaw Is the smallest macaw being 12–14 inches in length. It is a parrot native to the tropical lowlands, savannah, and swamplands of Venezuela, the Guianas, Bolivia, Brazil, and far south-eastern Peru. Red-shouldered Macaws are frequently bred in captivity for the pet trade, where they are sometimes described as mini-macaws. Red-shouldered Macaws are not considered to be an endangered species, but wild populations have declined locally due to habitat loss. As with most parrots, they are listed on Appendix II which makes the trade and export of wild caught birds illegal.

The Green Winged Macaw

Ara chloroptera

Green-winged Macaws are very colorful parrots. The head, shoulders, and chest are a red. There is a greenish streak below the shoulders and wings, changing to a blue on the wing, and a light blue on the upper and lower tail. It has very long red tail feathers that are tipped in blue as well. Its legs are dark gray and the iris of the eye is yellow. The upper beak is horn colored with a dark gray on the lower sides, and the lower beak is also a dark gray.
Green-winged Macaws are a full sized Macaws. They have an average length of about 90 cm, and a weight of up to about 2.7 pounds, and a lifespan of up to 60 years. A younger bird will be similar to the adult in color, but with a shorter tail. The lower part of its beak is a paler gray and they have a brown iris
The Greenwing differs in appearance from the similar Scarlet Macaw by the band of green feathers across its back. On the Scarlet there will be a broad band of yellow feathers across the back. The Green Wing Macaw is intelligent and wants attention and to play. It responds well to handling and training. This Macaw adapts quickly. Once it becomes familiar to a new environment and its keeper it is then ready to start bird training. Generally though, you should give a new arrival a few days to get use to you, your voice and its cage before trying to handle it. A hand fed baby will not need much taming and can often be handled right away, as it is use to human attention.
With all parrots, taming and training takes trust and patience. Macaws are very intelligent making them easy to tame. They are also very quick learners and easy to train. They excel best at learning tricks and small tasks. They are not as inclined to talk and mimic as some of the other parrots, but they can learn a few words or phrases. The Green-winged Macaw is well established in breeding, especially in the United States, and is commonly bred in captivity. The usual clutch consists of two or three eggs which incubate for about 28 days. The babies will hatch after about 3 months in the nest. Feed the parents additional high-fat seeds, like sunflower seed, during the breeding season. Also feed the parents plenty of green stuffs, corn-on-the-cob, carrots, protein, and fruit laced with food supplement while they are raising their babys.

The Blue and Gold Macaw

Ara ararauna

The Blue and Gold Macaw is one of the large parrots. It is an affectionate parrot, and has one of the best all around personalities of the large Macaws. it is friendly with everyone, including other birds, when it's well socialized. Although some Macaws are one-person type birds, the Blue and Gold is right at home in a family type situation as well. This large parrot is also sometimes called the Blue and Yellow Macaw, or you may come across a larger. The Blue and Gold Macaw is very adaptive. Whatever environment they are in, it becomes quite normal for them. If they are around many people, they will accept many people. When well trained and socialized, Blue and Gold Macaws enjoy participating in all sorts of outdoor and public activities with their owners. There are bird leashes available so you can take your macaw wherever you go, and they just adapt. They ride well in a car on a bird car seat. This is a lively, bird that loves to play, climb, and interact. They need a couple of hours a day outside a cage to be happy. Blue and Gold Macaw's can be taught a variety of tricks and they are frequently seen in animal behavior acts. They are also one of the best talking of the Macaws and can learn about 15 to 20 words or expressions. But like all Macaws this parrot has a loud call, and it may be quite vocal at times. The Blue and Gold is one of the most readily available of the large Macaws. They are also one of the least expensive Macaws for sale. But like all Macaws, they do require good socialization and consistent training to make good pets. They bond very closely with their humans. They are very affectionate, and will want your attention regularly.

The Military Macaw

Ara militaris

Military Macaw at five months old!

This by far is the most expensive and almost guaranteed to have major problems and issues. It is definitely true that a Macaw parrot can make noise, but it is not often, and not without some reason to be loud. Usually, if they make a loud squawking noise if they sence something to be wrong or different. Maybe a car they don't recognize is coming to the home or the dog is bothering it. They are also known to make a large noise for about 10 minutes as the sun is setting. This is an alert to their flock to settle in for the evening. But with the military macaw these events and noises seem to happen continuously almost all of the time. A pet Macaw when well cared for will seldom become ill. Yet they can contract some diseases, and there some also things in the environment that can cause illness. Behavior problems can also occur, resulting in feather plucking, biting, and loud screeching. Though it is often difficult to determine illness, some visible signs of illness to be aware of are:
  • Ruffled plumage  
  • Drooping wings
  • Sagging body
  • Extreme mood changes
  • Having no appetite
  • Bulges in feathering
  • Partially closed or watery eyes
  • Swelling of the eyelids
  • Rasping
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Excessive saliva
  • Dirty vent
  • Any change in the feces not apparently diet related
Some of the more common illnesses are:
  • Proventricular Dilation disease (Macaw wasting disease)
  • Psittacosis (chlamydiosis or parrot fever)
  • Bacterial, viral, or fungal infections
  • Feather picking - results of boredom, poor diet, sexual frustration, and lack of bathing
  • Allergies
  • Chewing flight and tail feathers by juveniles
  • Beak malformations in chicks
  • Papillomas
  • Kidney disease (gout)
  • Toxicity - heavy metal poisoning
  • Lipomas in older birds
If you notice any of these bird illnesses in your Military Macaw immediately provide a warm, secure area kept at about 86°F (30°C). Place food and water close to the perch where it is easily accessible. Behavior problems in a pet Macaw usually stem from something that is missing in the bird's environment. Some of the most common are lack of trust, becoming bored, or lack of interaction with people or other birds. When these things are missing that can lead to problems resulting in bad behavior. Try to develop a trust and spend time with your bird to help avoid these problems.

The Scarlet Macaw

Ara macao

I personally believe that the Scarlet Macaw is the most pretty of the Macawa due to its white face and beak but, i know that its colors dont mean it is a nice bird to own. It is very demanding and time consuming. Large Macaws require a roomy cage. The Scarlet Macaw can be very loud, be sure the cage is in a room where the amount of noise the neighbors hear is a minimal as possible. A large perch needs to be mounted in the cage. Fresh fruit tree branches work great because they can chew on them as well, but then they will have to be replaced occasionally. Food and water dishes, along with a treat dish work best mounted above the perch at the side of the cage. A variety of toys for playing and chewing should also be provided. A large Macaws needs 2 - 3 hours a day outside their cage. The Macaw's cage is their territory and a play pen top is great, but it is still their territory. It is better to interact with a Macaw on top of a perch away from the cage. Many birds can spend most of their time on a playpen or parrot perch. In the wild, Scarlet Macaws form strong bonds and are usually seen in pairs or family groups, and often in flocks or 30 or more birds. In general this is a typical Macaw. Macaws can be quite loud, being especially loud when wanting interaction with you. They will also mirror your moods, so if you are angry, they can become angry. If you are happy and loving, so is your pet. However these Macaws are quite lively and wild, more so than many of the other types of Macaws. They can be cranky at times and may even be a one person bird or only like men or women unless well socialized with lots people. They need a keeper that provides a firm hand in training. For a wonderful pet, the Scarlet Macaw must be socialized at a young age, and then have continued contact and interaction on a daily basis. Scarlet's take a good deal of time to maintained good socialization. If not maintained, they can become aggressive and loose their cool as they mature. Those birds are then never completely trustworthy, and are best paired up for breeding.

The Hyacinth Macaw

Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus
The hyacinth macaw is a very large bird, visually it appears to be the largest parrot in the world. But that is not quite so. The body of the Hyacinth reaches about 37"  in length and it has an wingspan up to about 42" across, which is the most expansive parrot in the world. But the Hyacinth isnt that heavy at all, it only weighs up to about 3.7 lb. The Hyacinth is pretty much an all blue large Macaw. The blue of its coloring is what influenced its name. It is a calm Macaw and known to make an excellent pet. Hyacinth Macaws have a very normal personality. They are sweet, extremely gentle, and dont make alot of noise. They are affectionate and playful, and become quite attached to their human families. This pet Macaw may possibly pick out one person for special affection, but Hyacinth Macaws are more a part of the entire family and are good with children. If they are socialized at a young age, these Macaws are also glad to meet and play with new humans. The Hyacinth is prone to playing jokes. Jokes can include jumping on you or your company's head from a distance. With its size, this is pretty funny. A good joke is laying on its back with its feet straight up playing dead. They will frequently stare down at you from the ceiling fan or break out of their cage. They don't destroy the cage but just take the lock off. Hyacinth Macaws do speak although their ability for this is limited. Hyacinths have been on the Endangered Species list since 1988, due to habitat destruction and over-collection. It is estimated that their numbers have been reduced to between 2,000 – 5,000 in the wild. There are conservation efforts for the Hyacinth Macaw and they are also being bred within the United States and other countries.
Hyacinth Macaw, Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, Blue Hyacinth Macaw

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hybrid Bluffons Macaw

Bluffons Macaw, Lassiah
The Bluffon's Macaw is a hybrid cross between a Blue and Gold Macaw and a Buffon's Macaw. It is a first generation macaw, meaning its parents are two species of naturally occurring macaws. The Blue and Gold Macaw has been has been one of the most popular pet birds in the trade. The Buffon's Macaw, highly endangered in its native habitat, has been quite scarce. But it has done very well in captivity. It is a ready breeder and is becoming more established and existant today. Some Buffon's Macaws have even been re-introduced into their native habitat. Hybrid macaws are bred for color. Because they are a mixture of more than one type of macaw, the offspring are influenced by the traits and characteristics of both of its parents. Father's have the dominant gene, so this will generally influence the offspring's coloration and overall appearance. The temperament and behavior of hybrids are areas of uncertainty and are unpredictable. But having parents are that are both quite docile and affectionate macaws, the Bluffon's Macaw will be a real beauty and should be a good natured pet bird. All macaws require good socialization and consistent training to make good pets. The Bluffon's have the gentle nature and the speaking ability of their parentage and they can be a very affectionate, inquisitive, and fun pets.

Hybrid Verde Macaw

The Verde Macaw is a first generation hybrid macaw, meaning its parents are two species of naturally occurring macaws. This macaw is a hybrid macaw cross between a Scarlet Macaw and a Buffon's Macaw. The Scarlet Macaw is very beautiful, and intelligent, but a bit more wild than other macaws so it requires good socialization. The Buffon's Macaw is quite affectionate. This mixture makes for a very intelligent and trainable pet, that can also be an affectionate companion. But it will also need a firm consistent hand in training, especially as it mature. Hybrid macaws are bred primarily for color. Because hybrid macaws are a mixture of more than one type of macaw, the offspring are influenced by the traits and characteristics of both of its parents. Father's have the dominant gene, so this will influence the offspring's color and appearance. However the behavior and attitude are more unpredictable. Besides being a hybrid that is very colorful, the personality influences of the Verde Macaw are a good mix for an active, lively pet bird. There are many birds out there that have very boring personalities unlike the Verde Macaw. With the intelligence and attitude of both its parents it should also be trainable, and learn to talk and do tricks.  Finding these macaws for sale is generally hard as they are rare, and they are expensive. There are more and more macaw breeders however, so finding these macaws for sale becomes easier as they become more common.

Hybrid Tropicana Macaw

I couldnt find a picture of the Tropicana Macaw but Tropicana Macaws are a very attractively colored macaw hybrid.  Both parents of the Tropicana Macaw contribute to the colors of their offspring, though the father's have the dominant gene and this will influence their final appearance. It is a second generation hybrid. One parent being the Harlequin and the other a Scarlet. They come in a tons of colors, sometimes all the babys in a family will be a different combination of color. They typically are different shades of red on the head and body with small amounts of green and blue. Yellows, pinks, & purples can even sometimes appear throughout the wings and tail. This macaw is a second generation hybrid macaw. One of its parents, the Scarlet Macaw, is a species of naturally occurring macaws while the other, the Harlequin Macaw, is also a hybrid macaw. Because hybrid macaws are a mixture of more than one type of macaw, the offspring are influenced by the traits and characteristics of both of its parents. Father's have the dominant gene, so this will generally influence the offspring's coloration and overall appearance. Each Tropicana however, is a unique blend of colors inherited from its parentage.  With the Harlequin Macaw you have a macaw that is a real beauty and good natured. The Blue and Gold macaw is renowned not only for its beauty and sweet nature, but also its speaking ability. While the other parent, the strikingly handsome 'gentle giant' Green-winged Macaw, lends its beauty and a very gentle, amiable nature. The wonderful attributes of the Harlequin make it a great parent for the Tropicana Macaw.

Hybrid Starlight Macaw

Starlight Macaws are a very brightly colored macaw hybrid.  Both parents add to the colors of their offspring, though the father's have the dominant gene and this will influence their final appearance. The Starlight Macaws have a Scarlet Macaw father and a Miligold mother, they are strongly influenced by the colors of the Scarlet. One of the Starlight's parents, the Miligold Macaw, brings greens and blues to the offspring, an influence of both its Blue and Gold and Military Macaw parents. The bright reds on the forehead are also from the the Military, but can be even more colorful by the addition of the other parent, the Scarlet Macaw. The Scarlet Macaw brings out a lot of reds, especially to the belly. You can also see its influence in the colors of the beak, being a whitish color rather than the black seen in the parent's of the Miligold. The Starlight Macaw gets a combination of colors from its parentage, making it one of the most impressive hybrid macaws. Starlight Macaws's are a full size macaw. It is very smart and trainable. It can learn to talk with a general vocabulary of about 15 or more words and expressions. The behavior and attitude of hybrid macaws are more uncertain than the coloration. Starlight Macaws are a hybrid parrot that are very colorful with the intelligence of its parents. The Starlight should be trainable, learning to talk and do tricks. This macaw can be a very affectionate and a fun companion, but may also have inherited being wild and agressive. As with all macaws, the Starlight Macaw will turn out the way you want depending on its training.
Picture of a Starlight Macaw, Second Generation Hybrid Macaw

Hybrid Shamrock Macaw

The Shamrock Macaw is a very popular pet bird with two very popular types of macaws as its parents. The Scarlet Macaw, one of the most highly favored macaws, is described as "beautiful and striking". The Scarlet has been the best known South American parrot for over 100 years. The other parent, the Military Macaw, is also a long time favorite pet macaw with a good personality, very trainable and very smart. Hybrid macaws are bred for color. Shamrock Macaws are a first generation hybrid macaw, meaning its parents are two species of naturally occurring macaws. Because they are a mixture of more than one type of macaw, the offspring are influenced by the traits and characteristics of both of its parents. Father's have the dominant gene, so this will generally influence the offspring's color and appearance. The Shamrock gets its color from these two parents, the Scarlet genes providing lots of reds to the green tones of the Military. The behavior and attitude of hybrid macaws are more unpredictable and uncertain than the colors. The personality of a Scarlet is such that it requires good socialization and dicipline in training, especially as it matures. The Shamrock can have these characteristics, but it can also have a caring, intelligent and a trainability of the Military Macaw mixed in. It can be a very affectionate and fun pet that. As with all macaws however, they will require good socialization and consistent training to make good pets.

 Shamrock Macaws are a very colorful hybrid Macaw. The combination of both parents contribute to the  colors of their offspring, though the father's have the dominant gene and this will influence their final appearance. A Shamrock Macaw, being a cross between a Military and a Scarlet Macaw, has lots of reds that go along with the Military greens.

Hybrid Ruby Macaw

This is the Ruby Macaw. It looks very similar to the Green Winged Macaw due to its red body and colorful wings.

Ruby Macaws are very unique in coloration, and rank right up there among the most colorful of the Macaws. They are a full size Macaw and can learn to talk with a general vocabulary of about 15 or more words or expressions. A Ruby Macaw needs good socialization and a firm consistent hand in training, especially it matures. In the mating pair, the male has the dominate gene. Often times the overall coloration of the Ruby Macaw can be very similar to the Green-winged Macaw and they are often mistakenly thought to be a Green-winged Macaw. Coloration varies however, even in babies from the same parents. If the male parent is a Green-winged Macaw the offspring will generally have the same size body and head as the father. What distinguishes the Ruby from the Green-winged father is the center band of feathers. These feathers can be a mixture of varying amounts of yellows and oranges, and they can be edged with different shades of yellows and orange. If the male parent is a Scarlet Macaw the offspring will generally have the head and body size of a Scarlet. The amount of the facial feathers will also generally be more similar to those of the father. There is very little facial feathering on the offspring of a Scarlet father. This bird is somewhat hard to find and fairly expensive. There are more and more breeders however and they are becoming more common.

Hybrid Rubalina Macaw

Rubalina Macaws are very colorful, carrying the blues, greens and gold's of the Blue and Gold and the Greenwing, along with the red colors from the Scarlet gene of their parents, especially on their underside. They are a full size Macaw and are highly intelligent. Having a lot of Scarlet Macaw parentage, they may also have a bit of an wild side. Hybrids are usually bred for color rather than personality, so their characteristics can be uncertain. A Rubalina Macaw needs good socialization and a firm consistent hand in training, especially it matures.

The parentage of the Rubalina Macaw is an interesting mix for a pet bird. This is a hybrid parrot that is very attractive with the intelligence of it parents. However their behavior is not absolutely certain. It should be quite trainable, learn to talk and do tricks. As with all macaws, the Rubalina Macaw will require good socialization and a firm consistent hand in training, especially as it matures. Two other species also add their flavor. The Green-winged Macaw, a long time favorite pet bird, lends both its color and its good personality . The Blue and Gold Macaw has been one of the most popular pet birds in the trade, known not only for its color but for its sweet nature and speaking ability. The Rubalina inherits all these birds coloring and more. Because hybrid macaws are a mixture of more than one type of macaw, the offspring are influenced by the traits and characteristics of both of its parents. Father's have the dominant gene, so this will generally influence the offspring's color and overall appearance. Each Rubalina however, is a blend of colors inherited from its parentage. This hybrid macaw was developed from these crossings:
1st - Scarlet Macaw + Green-winged Macaw = Ruby Macaw
1st - Scarlet Macaw + Blue and Gold Macaw = Catalina Macaw
2nd - Ruby Macaw + Catalina Macaw = Rubalina Macaw

Hybrid Miligold Macaw

The Miligold Macaw is a cross between a Blue and Gold Macaw and a Military Macaw. It is a first generation hybrid macaw, meaning its parents are two species of naturally occurring macaws.The Blue and Gold Macaw has been one of the most popular pet birds in the trade. The Military Macaw is a favorite pet macaw that also has a good temperament. It is very trainable and highly intelligent. Hybrid macaws are bred for color. Because they are a mixture of more than one type of macaw, the offspring are influenced by the traits and characteristics of both of its parents. Father's have the dominant gene, so this will generally influence the offspring's coloration and overall appearance. The attitude and behavior of hybrids are areas of uncertainty and are unpredictable. But having parents are that are both affectionate macaws, the Miligold Macaw will be very colorful and should be a good natured pet bird. All macaws require good socialization and consistent training to make good pets. The Miligold's have the gentle nature and the speaking ability of their parentage and they can be a very loving and fun pets.

Hybrid Milicinth Macaw

 Milicinth Macaws are a blue-green macaw, pulling these beautiful colors from their parentage. The Hyacinth Macaw adds the blues and they pick up the greens from the Military Macaw. In the mating pair, the Male has the dominate gene.
 Picture of a Milicinth Macaw
The Milicinth Macaw is a first generation macaw, meaning its parents are two species of naturally occurring macaws. Being a cross between a Hyacinth Macaw and a Military Macaw gives it some very desirable traits. The Hyacinth Macaw is sweet, loving and extremely gentle. Hyacinth's do not usually make a great deal of noise and have a very even attitude. The Military Macaw is a favorite pet macaw that also has a good personality. It is very trainable and highly intelligent. The behavior and personalities of hybrid macaws are more unpredictable and uncertain than the coloration. A Milicinth Macaw can often have the gentle shy nature and sweet personality of the Hyacinth Macaw. They can be extremely loving and playful, enjoying contact and interaction with one or more people, as well as other birds. Attributes they can inherit from the Military Macaw side are cleverness and being quick to learn tricks. With both these traits you can have a very smart and loving pet. Milicinth Macaws is a clever and outgoing bird when well established and comfortable in their home and surroundings. But they can also be very territorial in their own space, such as their cage or aviary, As with all macaws, they will require good socialization and consistent training to make good pets.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hybrid Maui Sunrise and Sunset Macaws

Maui Sunrise Macaw (first picture) and Maui Sunset Macaw (second picture)
  Picture of a "Mariah", a Maui Sunset Macaw (hybrid)
The maui Sunrise and Sunset macaws may seem to have an extremely similar appearance in the wild but they are very different in their own ways. The Sunrise macaw is a hybrid cross between a Harlequin Macaw and a Catalina Macaw. Being a cross between a Harlequin and a Catalina gives this interesting macaw a lot of  factors, both in color and in personality. It is a second generation hybrid and is influenced by the genes of three different species of macaws. This hybrid macaw was developed from 1st a Blue and Gold Macaw crossed with a Green-winged Macaw which produces a Harlequin Macaw. Also a Blue and Gold Macaw crossed with a Scarlet Macaw which produces a Catalina Macaw. Then you take the Harlequin Macaw and the Catalina Macaw and breed them together to get the Maui Sunrise Macaw. With the Maui Sunset Macaw it is a completely different story. The Sunset Macaw is a first generation macaw, meaning its parents are two species of naturally occurring macaws. Its parents are the Blue and Gold Macaw and the Red-fronted Macaw.
     The personalities of these macaws are very different. The Sunrise macaws have the characteristics of the Blue and Gold Macaw, the Greenwing, and the Scarlet in any mixture. The personality of a Scarlet is that it requires good socialization and consistent hard training, especially as it matures. The Sunrise macaw can be a very affectionate and fun pet but may very likely need unintimidated handling from its keeper. The personality of the Sunset macaw is great. It has the Blue and Gold Macaw characteristics which make for the best all around personality and a good speaking ability. Add to the kind and loving personality of the Red-fronted Macaw and you have one of the smartest well mannered birds.

Hybrid Jubilee Macaw

The Jubilee Macaws are a cross between a hybrid Harlequin Macaw and a Green-winged Macaw. With the Harlequin Macaw you have a macaw that is colorful and good natured. Crossing the Harlequin Macaw with the Green-winged Macaw can make for an even more affectionate, energetic, and attractive bird. Hybrid macaws are bred for color. The Jubilee Macaws are second generation hybrid macaws. Because they are a mixture of more than one type of macaw, the offspring are influenced by the traits and characteristics of both of its parents. Father's have the dominant gene, so this will generally influence the offspring's color and overall appearance. The Jubilee Macaw inherits its coloring from these two parents, and is strongly influenced by the double dose of Greenwing. The behavior and temperament of hybrid macaws are more unpredictable and uncertain than the coloration.  Jubilee Macaws can all be good "talkers" as are the parents. If handled by a variety of people and by both sexes when young, they will tend to be friendly to others rather than to just one person or one gender. However with every macaw, as with people, will have their own personality. But they can be a very affectionate, and fun pet that is beautiful. When keeping a Jubilee Macaw a roomy cage is required unless the bird is to be let out for long periods. Many birds can spend most of their time on a play pen or parrot perch. They eat a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, commercial pellets, as well as the same nutritional foods humans eat.

Hybrid Harligold Macaw

Harligold Macaw is a real beauty. This macaw is a second generation hybrid macaw. One of its parents, the Blue and Gold Macaw, is a species of naturally occurring macaws while the other, the Harlequin Macaw, is also a hybrid macaw. With the Harlequin Macaw you have a macaw that is a colorful and calm and with the Blue and Gold macaw is known not only for its beauty and kindess, but also its speaking ability. While the other parent, the  Green-winged Macaw, gives its beauty and a very gentle, personality. This second generation hybrid macaw was developed from these crossings because hybrid macaws are a mixture of more than one type of macaw, the offspring are influenced by the traits and characteristics of both of its parents. Father's have the dominant gene, so this will generally influence the offspring's coloration and overall appearance. Crossing the Harlequin Macaw with the Blue and Gold Macaw can make for a double dose of the Blue and Gold's wonderful qualities. The Harligold Macaw inherits its coloring from these two parents and is strongly influenced by the Blue and Gold. The behavior and attitude of hybrid macaws are more unpredictable and uncertain than the coloration. Harligold Macaws are a hybrid parrot that are very attractive with the intelligence of its parents. The pet Harligold should be quite trainable, and learn to talk and do tricks. These beauties can be a very affectionate, and fun companions. As with all macaws, they will require good socialization and consistent training to make good pets.

Hybrid Flame Macaw

Flame Macaw, 2nd Generation Hybrid Macaw
Hybrid macaws are bred for color, and the Flame Macaw is definitely a very colorful bird. This macaw is a second generation hybrid macaw. One of its parents, the Green-winged Macaw, is a species of naturally occurring macaws while the other, the Catalina Macaw, is also a hybrid macaw. This second generation hybrid macaw was developed from these other birds being bred. The beginnings of the Flame Macaw start with the Catalina Macaw which has two very popular types of macaws as its parents. The Scarlet Macaw, one of the most highly favored, is described as "beautiful and striking". The Scarlet has been the best known South American parrot for over 100 years. The other parent, the Blue and Gold Macaw, has been one of the most popular pet birds in the trade. The Flame Macaw inherits all these other macaws beautiful coloring and a complex personality. Because hybrid macaws are a mixture of more than one type of macaw, the offspring are influenced by the traits and characteristics of both of its parents. Father's have the dominant gene, so this will generally influence the offspring's coloration and overall appearance. However the behavior and attitude are more unpredictable. The parents of the Flame Macaw is an interesting mix for a pet bird. This is a hybrid parrot that is very attractive with the intelligence and attitude of it parents. It should be quite trainable, learn to talk and do tricks, and have an calm nature. But the fiery Scarlet may also introduce a bit of an wild side. As with all macaws, the Flame Macaw will require good socialization and a firm consistent hand in training to keep this Macaw on your good side.

Hybrid Capri Macaw

The Capri Macaw is one of the most colorful Macaws that still exist today. Its wide variety of colors happens from having a 3rd generation hybrid between a Camelot & a Scarlet macaw. The process of becoming a 3rd generation hybrid macaw is that a breeder breeds 2 basic macaws such as a Scarlet and Blue and Gold Macaw. Which then produces a Catalina Macaw. Next the breeder breeds a Catilina and again a Scarlet Macaw to produce a Camelot macaw. The final step to this complex process is to breed the Camelot Macaw with a Scarlet Macaw 1 final time to get a Capri Macaw. As you can see this process is very complex and expensive to do. The time and money spent into making this bird can be very worth it. These birds are a full size Macaw and are highly intelligent and smart. From the Blue and Gold Macaw parents, they may learn to talk with a general vocabulary of about 15 or more words or expressions.
If not properly trained these birds can take a turn for the worse, they can become rowdy and can be cranky at times and may even be a one person bird or only like men or women unless well socialized with lots of people. Like i said befor the Capri Macaw is quite rare and fairly expensive. So getting this bird and at a low price is almost impossible. But there are more and more breeders who are starting to breed it, finding these macaws for sale may become easier as they may become more available

Baby Capri Macaw, Flame

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hybrid Caloshua Macaw

 The Caloshua Macaw is a hybrid cross between a Blue and Gold Macaw and a Hyacinth Macaw. It is a first generation macaw, meaning its parents are two species of naturally occurring macaws. The Caloshua Macaw is a good natured pet bird if well socialized in its developing years. All macaws require good socialization and consistent training to make good pets.
 Caloshua Macaws are a pretty blue hybrid with a blue green face and a gold or yellow underside. When taking care of a caloshua macaw a roomy cage is required unless the bird is to be let out for extended periods. Many birds can spend most of their time on a play pen or parrot perch. They eat a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, and commercial pellets, as well as the same nutritional foods humans eat. Provide your Caloshua Macaw with nuts and a good parrot mix which includes; formulated diets, seeds, dried fruits and nuts.
Caloshua Macaw, Cross between a Blue and Gold Macaw and a Hyacinth Macaw Caloshua's are a large full size Macaw.

=sexiest girl i have ever met in my whole life.                                                                         

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hybrid Calico Macaw

The Calico Macaw is a first generation hybrid macaw. It is a cross between a Green-winged Macaw Ara chloroptera and a Military Macaw Ara militaris.

Picture of a Calico Macaw, Hybrid Macaws

This is a captive bred hybrid macaw. Hybrid macaws are rarely found in the wild. Most often the father is a Green-winged (male Green-winged macaws are more common than females). Some of the characteristics when made by a Green-winged macaw will be a large bird, with the head and beak shape more typical of the Green-winged. These macaws have a green back with a bronze cast similar to the Military Macaw, but will have a deep red chest and belly. A roomy cage is required unless the bird is to be let out for extended periods. Many birds can spend most of their time on a play pen or parrot perch. They eat a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, and commercial pellets, as well as the same nutritional foods humans eat.  A full sized macaw similar to the Green-Winged macaw, they can get over 2 lbs. Lengths up to 90 cm (35.5 inches). A well socialized macaw is a pet that will be enjoyed in lots of situations and by many people for years. A young calico macaw should be socialized with as many people as possible. They also should be exposed to lots of situations such as new cages, visits to a veterinarian, handling by friends, and having their wings and nails clipped. Socializing a macaw and providing it lots of experiences are the keys to a great pet. Doing these things will develop a well rounded bird that doesn't become frightened of new things. It will also prevent too strong a bond with only one person developing. If a decision was to be made to buy a new baby hybrid macaw the calico macaw would be the right choice. This macaw is one of the most friendly due to its genetic background.

Hybrid Buffwing Macaw

This is a captive bred hybrid macaw. Hybrid macaws are rarely found in the wild. Buffwing Macaws are a very vibrantly colored hybrid.  Both parents of the Buffwing Macaw contribute to the vivid colors of their offspring, though the father's have the dominant gene and this will influence their final appearance. A full sized macaw, they can get over 2 lbs. Lengths up to 86 cm. A roomy cage is required unless the bird is to be let out for extended periods. Many birds can spend most of their time on a play pen or parrot perch. They eat a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, and commercial pellets, as well as the same nutritional foods humans eat.
    It is generally believed that hybrid macaws get the best attributes of the parents. In this case, the natural friendly side of the Green-winged Macaw makes a good family type bird, while the Buffon's Macaw is extremely good natured and gentle. They are nice birds that will get along with more than one person. But they are a typical macaw and can be cranky at times. To have a well rounded bird that enjoys more than one person, make sure it is well socialized with lots of people and other macaws. inding these macaws for sale is generally hard as they are rare, and they are expensive. There are more and more macaw breeders being established so finding one for sale is becoming easier and easier. The reason the hybrid is rare is because hbrid macaws are bred for color. Because they are a mixture of more than one type of macaw, the offspring are influenced by the traits and characteristics of both of its parents. Father's have the dominant gene, so this will generally influence the offspring's coloration and overall appearance which can appear to have a color combination never seen befor on a macaw.