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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Blue and Gold Macaw

Ara ararauna

The Blue and Gold Macaw is one of the large parrots. It is an affectionate parrot, and has one of the best all around personalities of the large Macaws. it is friendly with everyone, including other birds, when it's well socialized. Although some Macaws are one-person type birds, the Blue and Gold is right at home in a family type situation as well. This large parrot is also sometimes called the Blue and Yellow Macaw, or you may come across a larger. The Blue and Gold Macaw is very adaptive. Whatever environment they are in, it becomes quite normal for them. If they are around many people, they will accept many people. When well trained and socialized, Blue and Gold Macaws enjoy participating in all sorts of outdoor and public activities with their owners. There are bird leashes available so you can take your macaw wherever you go, and they just adapt. They ride well in a car on a bird car seat. This is a lively, bird that loves to play, climb, and interact. They need a couple of hours a day outside a cage to be happy. Blue and Gold Macaw's can be taught a variety of tricks and they are frequently seen in animal behavior acts. They are also one of the best talking of the Macaws and can learn about 15 to 20 words or expressions. But like all Macaws this parrot has a loud call, and it may be quite vocal at times. The Blue and Gold is one of the most readily available of the large Macaws. They are also one of the least expensive Macaws for sale. But like all Macaws, they do require good socialization and consistent training to make good pets. They bond very closely with their humans. They are very affectionate, and will want your attention regularly.

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