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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hybrid Tropicana Macaw

I couldnt find a picture of the Tropicana Macaw but Tropicana Macaws are a very attractively colored macaw hybrid.  Both parents of the Tropicana Macaw contribute to the colors of their offspring, though the father's have the dominant gene and this will influence their final appearance. It is a second generation hybrid. One parent being the Harlequin and the other a Scarlet. They come in a tons of colors, sometimes all the babys in a family will be a different combination of color. They typically are different shades of red on the head and body with small amounts of green and blue. Yellows, pinks, & purples can even sometimes appear throughout the wings and tail. This macaw is a second generation hybrid macaw. One of its parents, the Scarlet Macaw, is a species of naturally occurring macaws while the other, the Harlequin Macaw, is also a hybrid macaw. Because hybrid macaws are a mixture of more than one type of macaw, the offspring are influenced by the traits and characteristics of both of its parents. Father's have the dominant gene, so this will generally influence the offspring's coloration and overall appearance. Each Tropicana however, is a unique blend of colors inherited from its parentage.  With the Harlequin Macaw you have a macaw that is a real beauty and good natured. The Blue and Gold macaw is renowned not only for its beauty and sweet nature, but also its speaking ability. While the other parent, the strikingly handsome 'gentle giant' Green-winged Macaw, lends its beauty and a very gentle, amiable nature. The wonderful attributes of the Harlequin make it a great parent for the Tropicana Macaw.

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